

2019-09-20 19:35:44  阅读:5307+ 来源:网易财经 作者:责任编辑NO。郑子龙0371

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网易财经专访比尔盖茨:我会把钱都捐出去 应向富人多纳税(来历:网易财经)






《影响力》 李兆元

“日子是不公平的,要去习气它。” 比尔·盖茨这句话被无数人奉为真理。但身为国际首富,他却用举动为这句话又做了一个注脚:若有余力,还可以改动国际。
















“乍得儿童逝世率是芬兰的55倍 这是最大的不相等”

















Q: You used to be the richest people in the world. Now you’re the second?


A: That’s right.Well as I give money away, I’d be the fourth and the fifth, in someday I’llgive it all away.


Q: We want toknow, you were once the richest people in the world, now you’re the biggestdonor. Why you make this huge shift?


A: When I wasworking at Microsoft, the goal was to make great software. And the fact that createdthe value of Microsoft ownership, there is a huge amount of wealth. I didn’texpect that you know. I didn’t need that. That doesn't change how manyhamburgers I eat or how many sweaters I wear, so I reached the limit sort ofpersonal consumption a long time ago. So, that extra wealth is available tohave an impact. And so, that’s why I studied why children died and thought,”Hey, is this being taken care of?” And in that case, I found that almost nomoney was going to malaria research. And so I found my cause to turn to mysecond career, which involves giving this money back in partnership with mywife and Warren Buffet. And so, it’s very fun work. It’s working withscientists, and it’s travelling the world; it’s partnering with a governmentlike China saying “You’re the expert, what are they thinking, what can we dotogether for seeds and vaccines”. Anyway, it’s very enjoyable, so I’m notmaking any sacrifice, and I’m not giving up my lunch to do this work, it’s allexcess money.


Q: In this year yourreport, Goalkeepers, you said you’ll keep focusing on inequality. So in yourmind, what is the inequality most around the world? Women, education, diseasecontrol, or income poverty?


A: Well, often wetalk about income, and that’s pretty important. You know, people living inextreme poverty who don’t have enough resources to buy food always worried abouttheir survival. We really want to get rid of that extreme poverty. But anothermeasure that the foundation has focused a lot on is health. You know, we lookat how many children are dying and how we can reduce that number. When we firstgot started, it was 10 million were dying every year back in the year 2000. Andnow that’s been cut in half. So it’s about 5 million now. So, that’s reallygood progress. If you take rich countries, it’s well under 1%, but if you takethe poorest countries, there are still places where it’s over 15%. A child inFinland, which is the lowest, had 50 times lower chance of dying than the childin Nigeria, which is a quite poor African country. So that range. You know, ourview is that it is one of the greatest injustices, and the world has enoughknowledge and resources. We should be able to reduce that dramatically.


Q: Every year inthe Goalkeepers, on the first page, we saw the 17 goals as topics from theglobal goals. Which one do you think is easy to achieve, and which one do youthink is hard to realise and why?


A: Health is verycentral to all these goals, and that’s where the foundation has chosen to focus.And of course the science of how we make vaccines and how we understand how tostop malaria. Every year the world is getting smarter. So, I put that in a veryprimary position, because if you’re malnourished and not healthy, theneverything else like education or being productive is very very difficult. Andif we can really solve health and education, those are the two that to me areenabling. I don’t want to downplay - the environment is very important - allthe different goals. But the countries that can take care of themselves are theones that have really improved health and education. And China is a fantasticexample. Starting in 1990, agricultural productivity, investment in educationand health. It’s really phenomenal how those things enabled the incredibleeconomic miracle.


Q: So, what's yourexpectation for the next step for the health, even though it's maybe theequality the most? What's the next stepfor the foundation you want to do?


A: Well, I’dhighlight two things. First, we still have 5 million children dying every year now.In 2030 we should cut that in half again, get it down to below 2.5 million. Andthere are some diseases like Poliomyelitis that paralyses children and killsome. That one in the next 3-4 years should be able to be eradicated. Over a longer-term,you know probably in 20-25 years, we should be able to take malaria anderadicate that. That’s still killing, just malaria, over half a millionchildren every year and hurting tens of millions. You know these veryaggressive goals. We’re talking with people in China who make malaria drugs andbednets and the government is there strengthening their partnerships withAfrica; how can we work together to eliminate malaria.


Q: How do youthink China can make more contribution to that?


A: Absolutely, China’seconomic growth has been good for the world. You know China has expertise inmany many areas, but now it’s thinking OK and asking African countries what theirpriorities are. The kind of infrastructure China does is very important. Roadsare key to economic growth. But these countries are saying “Hey please help uswith malaria” Tanzania as an example where it’s three-ways partnerships now: theGates Foundation, Tanzania, and China. We’re doing this pilot projects, andwe’ve been having some good results. Yes, I think health will be an area thatChina can help the poor countries a lot.


Q: Talking aboutChina, we know that the economic growth is so fast in the past decades, andChina depends on two factors: one is globalization, and another one ispopulation bonus, but the situation now is complicated. So do you have anysuggestion for China and the Chinese young people?


A: Certainly, thequality of education. You know the universities are getting better and better, insome cases like Tsinghua being one of the best in the world, and the other onesare keeping improving. That trend towards the quality of education will allowChina in areas with really high-paying jobs and innovative jobs to contributeto both their successes and the world by and large. The economic growth may notachieve the same percentages in the past, but as long as the job market isworking well, and the anti-poverty programs are working well, China should bevery proud of what it’s doing, even if the absolute economic growth isn’t goingto maintain the really high level that you’ve had in the past.


Q: What’s yourcomment to the globalization? Maybe we can find some hinder on that?


A: I’m a hugebeliever in globalization, and the countries mutually benefit from that. Right now,we see some countries pulling back from that, even in some ways the USA ispulling back from that. I think it will be a strong political debate. I don’tthink we’ll see a dramatic reversal, but we see there are some voices thatspeak out against that, and it would be a good, open discussion. The road forinnovation, whether it’s health, climate change, or IT, the pace of innovationis going to stay very strong. And that creates huge job opportunities, includingChina, is doing great work in those areas.


Q: That’s goodnews. In the last Goalkeepers Report, you kept the focus on investing in youth,especially in Africa, because it depends on traditional economics. Thehealthier you are, the better education for the youth, and you get a betterreturn for that. But do you consider something is changing about the innovationof technology, which has the huge power to change the world? Do you still thinkthe human capital theory is still there?


A: Absolutely.


Q: Why?


A: Well, the jobmarket is very strong, and the high salaries are there for well-educated people.If you look at the satisfaction and health of those people, it’s very good, sothere is a lot of benefit in individual, and for a country, as it invests inhealth and education of the people. It’s the main asset. Even if we have lotsof robots and software, human capital will be super important. Some of thethings that require less education like just driving around, it could besubstituted, but if anything, that just creates more value to make sure thatthose educational investments are well done.


Q: Do you think wecan find more opportunities after the Luis Turning Point? Like China, we canstill find more and more population bonus from that? Maybe we can use AI androbots. Do you think it's working?


A: Well, I thinkeconomic growth can continue even when the workforce is not growing because theproductivity of these tools will make the productivity per worker much higher.Even in a society like Japan that is aging, they’ll be able to increase theiroutput which is a good thing, because you want to have those resources to takecare of the older generation to help them be able to retire and have benefits.So yes, even as the size of the workforce goes down, the economic opportunitiesare still huge.


Q: That’s good. Youmust know this book.


A: Yeah. Fantastic.


Q: Have you triedthese certain questions?


A: Yes.


Q: What was thescore?


A: It's the fieldI work in. I think I got one wrong.


Q: Just one?


A: You know, thesequestions are about my current full-time job. It’s like asking a cab driverabout directions. And I was a friend of Hans. His very first speech at TED Iwas there. And I realized that he’s telling a story better than I’ve ever heardbefore, including the story of how you improve health, that actually thepopulation goes down, which is very surprising to many people. And that wholeway he presented data, my wife and I got to be very good friends with him. It’sa shame that he died.

A:由于这些问题都和我现在的作业有关,这就像问出租车司机道路相同。并且我和汉斯(Hans Rosling)是好朋友,之前他在TED的讲演我也参加了,那是我听过的最精彩的讲演之一。他说到在健康条件改进的情况下,人口数量反而会下降,这让许多人感到惊奇。我和我的夫人都感到很走运可以和他成为朋友,他的过世也让咱们很痛心。

Q: Yes. That’s sosad. But back to the book, the test. I mean, do you know the truth about hisword? Before I came, I read this book; I don’t know the truth. I don’t know thedata.


A: Most people,even educated people, get less than 50% right. University professors actuallydo worse than the average person. He is very articulate about this. When weread about disasters, and the news media does a better job of telling us theworst thing anywhere in the world we read about. When I was young, we didn’tknow so much about earthquakes or in other countries. And because as human welike to solve problems, we are always looking at, oh, this is a potentialproblem. Things are going well like reducing childhood death or improvingliteracy; you don’t dwell on that, you mostly dwell on “Here is where we needto do more work”. So Hans is not saying things have improved so much that weshould be lazy. It’s because people care and worry that vaccines have beeninvented and they are not getting out to more and more children. But tohonestly assess, we have to know these numbers that the world has improved and thatdoing more types of innovation that’s gotten us progress, we should feel goodabout that.


Q: I think Hanshas given us a relevant and useful method to divide the whole world in adifferent way, and this chart is very impressive. But my question is, you live onthis side. This is your point.


A: Yeah, I’mindividually even luckier.


Q: But not thefoundation, and your full-time job is doing this?


A: Absolutely.


Q: How could you create such a huge space for this. It’s across civilization, religions, and different social system, and different education. How do you do that?


A: The desire to have your children survive exists in every one of these countries. Mothers want their children to survive. And human biology about..., if the vaccine works in one group of humans, will it work in another group, is essentially the same. By creating a measles vaccine or an HIV vaccine, even though you don’t understand the culture and the practices of these people, you can benefit them. Things like roads and electricity and better seeds are helpful. You make a very good point that to actually deliver these products; you need to connect with the people who live in these communities, whether it’s the tribal leaders or religious leaders. For example, educating a mother that you should vaccine your child in these countries, I don’t know how to do that. But I can make money and make sure they’re creating women’s groups where women get together and talk to each other, and that’s a great form for women to explain to each other about vaccination. You’re right, it takes a lot of work, that how to reach all the children in the world who deserve to get these vaccines. You know, these places are very different, and the government in some places are even not existent.


Q: Do you have any pressure to do that?


A: It seems like a clear thing to value all these human lives. once you visit those places, it’s very hard to ignore the problem. If you’ve never been there, you’re kind of like “Yeah I don’t know, is that really that bad? Is it hard to help?” But once you go there and meet those people, I think for the rest of your life you’ll wonder, isn’t that the most morally important that you can work on?


Q: Now you’re doing your best and with all your effort to narrow the gap between rich and poor, but unfortunately maybe the statistics are showing the gap may be widened.


A: Actually, global income inequality is going down. And the reason for that is that the middle-income countries like India and China have been growing their economy faster than the rich countries. Although you have some inequality within the country, there is enough equality that globally, incomes are less than equal. Within many countries, inequality has gone up. So that’s a political question, do you have a tax system that’s so progressive that it’s taking more from the rich and creating a stronger safety net to help out the poorest. Our goal isn’t everybody to be exactly equal, but we should have a basic safety net that helps everyone.


Q: What’s the best gift you get from the foundation job? As you’re full-time to do that, you were very successful in software-design and now you’re a very famous philanthropist. So, we want to know.


A: Well, the progresson global health is super exciting. It's a movement. There's lots of people involved. But to have been part of that, you know, we're really proud of it. And if we can finish polio, which I'm very optimistic, you know, that would be very satisfying. And malaria will take longer, but, you know, that's a milestone I look forward to. So, I love taking on that kind of tough challenges, hiring very smart people with a wide variety of expertise, including science, to do these things. This is fun work and we're seeing progress, you know, and we see that people care about these issues. So, even though we have setbacks, you know, I love it. I'm lucky to have a second career that is very fulfilling.


本文来历:网易财经 责任编辑:杨斌_NF4368
