Thank you for contacting AT&T Customer Care about unlocking your iPhone 0634.
We are unable to complete your request at this time due to the following reason:
The service commitment for this iPhone has not been completed.
Please note, if you are traveling internationally, iPhone is a quad-band phone and will work in many countries across the globe. Please visit /learn/international/ for information on traveling abroad with iPhone.
For questions regarding AT&T’s wireless service and iPhone, please contact AT&T Customer Care at (800) 331-0500.
We thank you for your continued business.
Thank you for contacting AT&T Mobility. We appreciate your business.
Thank you for contacting AT&T Customer Care about unlocking your iPhone with IMEI number ending 0634. My name is Akeyia Johnson, and I am happy to help you with your inquiry.
At this time, we are unable to complete your request at this time due to the following reason:
The previous iPhone owner you purchased the device from is under its original service agreement and has not been completed as of 4/27/2012; unfortunately this may cause a delay in providing the requested information. once the contract is completed you may request the unlock code for the device. You also have the option to provide feedback to the seller regarding the return policy for the device.
Due to security purposes we are unable to release any contract information about the device you purchased.We recommend you send us an email periodically to see if the contract has expired. You may also contact AT&T Customer Care at 1 (800) 331-0500 or International Customer Care at +1(916) 843-4685 for further assistance.
Thank you for contacting AT&T Mobility.
2018-03-18 19:13:12 阅读:7750+
来源:本站原创 作者:张雨绮
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